Benefits of Orange County Lemon Laws

Orange County Lemon Law

The buyer or a resident of the vehicle has different rights under both the states and government law if the vehicle does not execute as gave under an express guarantee. Guarantee law can be mind boggling, and it is difficult to depict extensively the majority of the law firms in short space. The accompanying remarks quickly clarify the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act and what is prevalently known as the “Lemon Law”

By Lemon Law, you have to file a plea in favor of your car. At the arbitration hearing you will have to make a final decision whether you want the motor home replaced or repurchased. Under the law, if your motor home is determined to be a “lemon” by the arbitrator, you will be awarded your choice of repurchase or replacement of the vehicle. Once the hearing is over, your choice of repurchase or replacement cannot be changed by the arbitrator. If there is an award and you have changed your mind, you will need to negotiate directly with the manufacturer as there is no authority for anyone to change the terms of the award. 

If you are awarded a replacement motor home, it must be new and identical or reasonably equivalent to your vehicle as it existed at the time of original purchase or lease including any service contract, undercoating, rust proofing and other factory/dealer options.  The manufacturer is also responsible for any sales tax, license, registration fees and refunding to you any incidental costs awarded by the arbitrator. 

Before receiving the new vehicle you will be obligated to pay the manufacturer an “offset for use” based on the attributable use mileage at the time of the first repair of the ‘lemon’ defect and original “purchase price” regardless of whether you are the original or a subsequent owner. You must contact your lender early in the process about how they would deal with your existing loan or lease and a replacement vehicle as you may have to make a new loan at very different terms.  If the manufacturer originally offered a special financing deal like a low interest rate the manufacturer is not required to offer those terms for a replacement vehicle. 

If you are awarded a repurchase of the vehicle, the arbitrator will determine your refund based on the following:
  • If you purchased the vehicle: you will be refunded the cash price of the vehicle in the sales agreement (minus any manufacturer rebate) - if you have a loan balance, the lender will be paid from your refund.
  • If you leased the vehicle: you will be refunded the total of all lease payments that you made, including inception and security deposit payments (not including any manufacturer rebate) - the manufacturer will be responsible for any remaining lease obligations.
The legal team at Orange Country Lemon Law has the experience, reputation and resource to best represent Orange country, consumers who have the unfortunate experience of having purchased or leased a defective vehicle. Visit or Call now for consultant 1.877.87 or 1.877.875.3666


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